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Monday, 14 July 2014

Rune Magick - Ansuz Meditations

Ansuz Meditations
Odin/Loki Coin Power Up
I came up with this meditation because when I first started studying Ansuz, I struggled to meditate on the duality of it – the power of Odin versus Loki. Therefore, this is the way I choose which power will come through when I am working with Ansuz.

1.          I like to burn incense when I meditate and this meditation is no exception; the incense blend I put together is featured to the right and has a very simple charge.
2.       Also you will need a Carnelian crystal and an Obsidian crystal – these are the physical representations of Odin and Loki and will help keep balance during the meditation.
3.        The third item you will need is a candle – I use a dark blue as the colour is associated with Ansuz. Inscribe the candle with the Ansuz symbol – A. If you wish you can use anointing oil too but I feel adding oil makes it too busy for my tastes.
4.      The last thing to prep is charging the crystals. I do this ‘in circle’ before I begin the meditation but it can be done outside the circle if that’s easier for you.

1.          Sit somewhere quiet at a time you won’t be disturbed. Cast your circle, then ground and centre.
2.        Light the inscribed candle and hold the carnelian in your dominant hand; the obsidian in your receptive hand.
3.        Focus on the candle flame for several minutes as you slow your breathing and let your conscious mind drift into the sub-conscious.
4.       In your subconscious, visualise a coin – it will have the Ansuz symbol on both sides, one of which will be inverted.
5.        Once this coin is solid in your mind’s eye, make it spin horizontally – slow at first, then speeding up until it’s a blur.
6.        This will create energy which you will then direct, by your will, through your physical body to the crystals in your hands
7.        One crystal will feel warmer with the generated energy, the other will not. Hold the warmed hand and crystal to your root chakra. Hold the other to your crown chakra.
8.        Keep the coin turning and the energy flowing but now connect it through the chakras so that the energy of each crystal links up through them. I like to see this energy as a deep blue beam of light running straight through my energy core.
9.        Extend this beam of light earthward and skyward… beyond the chakras. Feel it pulse; see it brighten as the coin spins. Let that energy fill your chakras – you will feel the presence of one or both of the Norse deities – their energy will be strong within the beam of light. Let it fill you with its power, their power.
10.      When you feel the energy completely flooded your spiritual core, retract the beam back to your hand and thank deity. Next retract the beam completely so it leaves the chakras. Stay like this for a moment to indulge in the feeling of power.
11.        Bring your hands away from the chakra placements and to your lap.
12.      Now focus back on the coin – let it slow down to a stop before fading back into the aether.
13.       Take 3 deep refreshing breaths and open your eyes.

An after thought on this meditation made me realise that when I first start the coin spinning, if it was spinning forwards then Odin was the deity that came to me, if it spun backwards, I got Loki. This makes for an experiment… if I spin the coin vertically (as if spinning it on a counter) would the same results occur (i.e. deosil = Odin, widdershins = Loki). I will post these results another time!

Realm Portal
I feel that as a rune associated with Air energy, Ansuz has a natural connection to the realm of the fae; as such, in meditation, it seems very fitting that it be used as a key to reach that magickal place. Likewise, as the fly agaric plant is associated with both the fae and Ansuz, I have chosen it as the gateway.

1.          Find a place and time you won’t be disturbed. Cast your circle, then ground and centre.
2.       Close your eyes and visualise you are in the centre of a fairy ring – a circle of fly agaric mushrooms. They can be small or huge, connected with vines or spaced apart. This is the part where your imagination and personal spin can create your own portal between realms. Make it the place you feel comfortable for a fae portal to be; a place the fae would be comfortable too.
3.     Once you have created your place expand your aura out to the edge of the fly agaric circle.
4.      Visualise a large Ansuz symbol of blue energy above your head. Again, it can be made to your own tastes: smoky, sparkly, made of spinning ribbons, etc…
5.        When the symbol is as you want it, bring it down through your crown chakra and into your astral body. It will be big enough to reach through all chakras.
6.       Use the energy of Ansuz combined with the energies of your chakras and aura to make the symbol charge. Depending on how you visualised the symbol, this extension of the visualisation will compliment that. If you visualised smoke, it will plume bigger; if it sparkled, then the speed of the sparkling should pulse more quickly.
7.       Build the energy like a crescendo, like a sexual climax, until it explodes out to the fly agaric circle. When it does that, again the explosion will be in line with the texture of the visualisation – my favourite for this part is the smoke symbol because the bright blue smoke extends to the edge of the circle from my astral self. When it clears the portal is open.
8.    From this point, you can use your time in the realm of the fae to communicate with our fluttery friends.

Portal Close
As with all magickal works, to close what has been opened, the process is to be reversed. I will use the smoke example as it is the simplest.
1.          Raise the smoke from the fly agaric circle. It had only dissipated for you to see clearly. You are drawing it back into you.
2.   Reshape the formless smoke into the Ansuz symbol once it is back in your astral self. Remember it is big enough to reach through all chakras.
3.     Once formed, lift the Ansuz out of your astral body via your crown chakra and let it implode on itself.
4.      Sink the fly agaric mushrooms and any additional ‘scenery’ into the aether.

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